Las cartas de agradecimiento son un texto que elaboramos con el propósito de retribuir una acción, un gesto, una ayuda o un obsequio de una persona. Cuando deseamos elaborar este tipo de agradecimientos en inglés debemos seguir una serie de formalidades que son características de los países americanos.

La carta de agradecimiento en inglés o mejor conocida como Thank you letter, por su nombre en inglés, debe incluir la siguiente información:

  • Datos del remitente.
  • Datos del emisor.
  • Cortesía de agradecimiento, máximo en dos párrafos.
  • Despedida.
  • Firma.

3 Ejemplos de Carta de Agradecimiento en Inglés

  1. Lincoln Boulevard, Ladders Avenue, street 4.

Orlando, Florida

Mr. Luis Smith

Dear Mr. Smith:

I want to thank you again for having received me yesterday, sacrificing your time to help me with my projects, and offering me your advice and support, which I appreciated.

At the same time, I want to thank you for the information that you provided to me, which I am pretty sure will be important to my job, and additionally for the possibility of contacting Mrs. Gómez, whom I will call tomorrow morning to coordinate an interview.

I will keep you informed about the result of this.

See you soon,

Victoria Casas

  1. Lincoln Boulevard, Ladders Avenue, street 4.

Orlando, Florida

Mr. Luis Smith

Dear Mr. Smith:

I want to thank you the gift that you send to me. I really appreciated these collections of book. This is my favorite drama, and helps me to understand more the language that I have been learning.

I really appreciated this opportunity. I would like to be next to you to hug you.

With love.

Victoria Casas

  1. Lincoln Boulevard, Ladders Avenue, street 4.

Orlando, Florida

Mr. Luis Smith

I am writing to thank you for all the helping that you give to me with the purchase of my new car and accessories. It could be said that you were only doing your job but it’s not enough for me. I really appreciate your job, your time and your patient.

I am very excited to say that now everything is going much better with my car. I shall be recommending your service to my family and friends.

Keep in touch.

Victoria Casas