What does que significa mean?

See the entry for¿Qué significa?. qué significa. -what it means.

What is the meaning of para que?


Although both para qué and por qué in questions usually can be translated as «why,» there is a subtle difference in meaning between them.


What is cuanto mean?

n how much there is or how many there are of something that you can quantify. Synonyms: cantidad, medida, quantum Examples: show 10 examples

What do you mean Spanish?

If you want to ask “what do you mean” in Spanish to a single person, you can simply say “¿Qué quieres decir?” If you are speaking to a person who is your superior or a stranger, you would use the formal version “¿Qué quiere decir?” If you are asking (multiple) people what they are doing, you’ll want to use “¿Qué

Can que mean Which?

Well, yes, que can mean how, especially with exclamatory remarks, like, «¡Que bella es!», meaning «How beautiful it/she is!» You will even hear «¿Cómo?» ( which means how) when you are asked to repeat what you said, just like «What?» in English.

Is Que in English?

One of our persistent—and more puzzling—lookups is for the word que, which is entered in our dictionary (capitalized) as an abbreviation for Quebec. Qué is also a Spanish word that means “what.” That is not, however, the word that many people are looking for when they look up que in our dictionary.

What does Papi mean in slang?

vevo.com. Papi is a colloquial term for “daddy” in Spanish, but in many Spanish-speaking cultures, particularly in the Caribbean, it is often used as a general term of affection for any man, whether it’s a relative, friend, or lover.

What are the four ways to say your in Spanish?


«You» in Spanish
PronounNumber and Formality
singular and informal
vossingular and formal or informal
ustedsingular and formal
vosotrosplural and informal


How do say no in Spanish?

How do you say «no» in Spanish? – It’s the same: «no.»¿Cómo se dice «no» en español? – Es lo mismo: «no».

What’s Papi Chulo?

A direct translation of papi chulo from Spanish is “pimp daddy,” with papi being a diminutive form of “father” (and used like “baby”) and chulo meaning “pimp” but also “attractive,” “cocky,” or “cool” in colloquial settings. Chulo alone has a storied history in American English.

Can I call my dad Papi?

Papi – Daddy

Papi is the direct translation of ‘daddy’. Just like this English word, in Spanish, ‘daddy’ is an affectionate and casual way to call your dad. This term is very popular among young children and women. Mom, what time does my daddy get home?

What papasito means?

papasito {masculine}

daddy {noun} [dim.] papasito.

Is Papi a bad word?


Is Papi a bad word? Papi is a colloquial term for “daddy” in Spanish, but in many Spanish-speaking cultures, particularly in the Caribbean, it is often used as a general term of affection for any man, whether it’s a relative, friend, or lover.


What’s Mami Chula mean?


But in most of Latin America, however, chula means “cute” or “pretty.” Chula is often seen in the phrase mami chula, a Spanish form of “hot mama” for a sexy woman. Its male counterpart is papi chulo, for a “ladies’ man.”

What does it mean when a guy calls you Mija?

Literally meaning «my daughter,» mija is used as a familiar and affectionate address to women, like «dear» or «honey,» in Spanish.

What’s Poco Loco mean?

English Translation. little crazy.

What is a Chingona?


noun. 1. a Spanish slang term meaning “bad ass woman” Although the word “chingona” is a Spanish term, it is not limited to Latinas.


What do we call Mami in English?

aunt countable noun. Your aunt is the sister of your mother or father, or the wife of your uncle. Aunt Vera. /mami, mAmI, maamee, māmī/

Is Poco a Spanish name?

I just translated the Spanish phrase «lindo es poco» = «is very nice». But the definition of the word «poco» = «little» in English.