What does that mean take for granted?

1 : to assume (something) as true, real, unquestionable, or to be expected We took our invitation to the party for granted. = We took it for granted that we’d be invited to the party.

What is another word for taken for granted?

What is another word for taken for granted?

Do not take it for granted meaning?

to expect someone or something to be always available to serve in some way without thanks or recognition; to value someone or something too lightly. I wish you didn’t take me for granted.

What does it mean to be taken for granted in a relationship?

So, maybe you’re wondering “What does it mean to take someone for granted in a relationship, anyway?” It simply means we stop noticing and expressing our thanks for the things they do. We stop showing our appreciation. It’s been a long time since you and your partner have done anything ‘just for the fun of it’

Is take for granted informal?

Today on the Magoosh TOEFL Blog, we’re going to look at a common English idiom: “take for granted.” This idiomatic phrase is used in informal speech and writing.

Why does my husband take me for granted?

Being taken for granted can also be part of their attitude towards you. They may rarely make the effort to be kind, physically affectionate or say something nice to you. It can also show up in how you spend they spend their time – failing to make time for you or always putting time with family or friends ahead of you.