La Universidad de Cambrige ofrece certificaciones que nos llevan a dominar el idioma inglés una vez que presentemos y aprobemos todos los exámenes del programa. Muchas organizaciones en el mundo ponen en marcha este programa que se ha convertido en un estándar para la formación.

Los niveles del inglés en Cambringe son:

  • Elementary A2
  • Lower Intermediate B1
  • Intermediate B2
  • Upper Intermediate C1

Cada uno de estos niveles deben aprobarse tras responder un examen que tiene una estructura similar, es decir, con el mismo grado de exigencia para los participantes de cualquier parte del mundo.

Uno de esos exámenes en el FIRST, que al igual que el B2, logran certificarnos con un nivel intermedio del inglés.

El examen FIRST (First Certificate in English o FCE) es más empleado que el B2, esto debido a que la ejecución del primero se ha expandido por toda Europa.

Una persona con un certificado de inglés intermedio puede escribir y leer textos complejos, con una claridad y comprensión lectora semi avanzada.

Estructura de un examen FIRST

  • “The Speaking” (conversación, duración: 14min)
  • “Reading” (lectura, duración: 1 hora)
  • “Writing” (escritura, duración: 1 hora 20 min)
  • “Use of English” (utilización del inglés, duración: 45 min)
  • “Listening” (prueba auditiva, duración: 40 min)

Ejemplo de examen First

First Certificate in English


Time: 1 hour 20 minutes


Answer the Part 1 question, and one question from Part 2.

You can change your answers at any time during the test.

The test clock will show you when there are 10 minutes and 5 minutes remaining.

Answer the question below. Write 140 – 190 words in an appropriate style.

In your English class you have been talking about the environment. Now, your English teacher has asked you to write an essay

Write an essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view.

Every country in the world has problems with pollution and demageto the environment. Do you thnink these problems can be solved?

Write aboud:


Rivers and seas

(your own idea)

You see this announcement in your college English-language magazine.

Book reviews wanted

Have you read a book in which the main character behaved in a surprising way?

Write us a review of the book, explaining what the main character did and why it was surprising. Tell us whether or not you would recommend this book to other people.

The best reviews will be published in the magazine.

Write your review.

You have received this email from your English-speaking friend David.

From: David

Subject: touring holiday

Some college friends of mine are visiting your area soon for a week’s touring holiday. They would like to travel around and learn about your local area and its history.

Can you tell me about some of the places they could visit? What’s the best way to travel around – car, bike or coach?



Write your email.